Under My Umbrella

Under My Umbrella
A cheap way to light up your night

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I went to the doctor's today and got an almost clean bill of health. I now know why I feel like I'm dopey..but I can't stop the pills because they are slowing my heart rate. I got a fast rate and it really gets up there when I exercise or I'm stressed.
Ok enough about me but this rant is about me.
When I was in a coma for six days back in December I awoke and realized that I had the dreaded old people smell. I know you all have experienced that smell when you entered an old person's home or even a nursing home. It's the smell of decay and it's terrible. I figured out that my body had been without any type of movement for six days and my muscles and skin was atrophied. It took me days to erase the smell. I figured out that those people who don't do much walking or in some cases are technology happy don't bother getting up and doing any physical exercise. They condemn their bodies to a slow death and wonder why they have so many problems. They die sooner because they are already half dead their organs just catching up to the dead skin and muscles. Next time you sit down in front of tv, computer, or just don't move for hours at a time, think about your body. Is it fair to let it die because you are lost in a technology nightmare.

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